Saturday, August 31, 2019

Drinking Alcoholic Beverages †Paper Essay

An alcoholic beverage is a drink containing ethanol, commonly known as alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes: beers, wines, and spirits (or distilled beverage). They are legally consumed in most countries, and over 100 countries have laws regulating their production, sale, and consumption.[1] In particular, such laws specify the minimum age at which a person may legally buy or drink them. This minimum age varies between 16 and 25 years, depending upon the country and the type of drink. Most nations set it at 18 years of age.[1] The production and consumption of alcohol occurs in most cultures of the world, from hunter-gatherer peoples to nation-states.[2][3] Alcoholic beverages are often an important part of social events in these cultures. Alcohol is a psychoactive drug classified as depressant. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) recently redefined the term â€Å"binge drinking† as any time one reaches a peak BAC of 0.08% or higher as opposed to some (arguably) arbitrary number of drinks in an evening.[4] A high blood alcohol content (BAC) is usually considered to be legal drunkenness because it reduces attention and slows reaction speed. However, alcohol can be addictive known as alcoholism. Health effects of moderate drinking Longevity In a 2010 long-term study of an older population, the beneficial effects of moderate drinking were confirmed, but abstainers and heavy drinkers showed an increase of about 50% in mortality (even after controlling for confounding factors).[57] Ethanol has been found to double the lifespans of worms feed 0.005% ethanol but does not markedly increase at higher concentrations.[58] [edit] Diabetes Daily consumption of a small amount of pure alcohol by older women may slow or prevent the onset of diabetes by lowering the level of blood glucose.[59] However, the researchers caution that the study used pure alcohol and that alcoholic beverages contain additives, including sugar, which would negate this effect.[59] People with diabetes should avoid sugary drinks such as dessert wines and liqueurs.[60] [edit] Heart disease Main article: Alcohol and cardiovascular disease Alcohol consumption by the elderly results in increased longevity, which is almost entirely a result of lowered coronary heart disease.[61] A British study found that consumption of two units of alcohol (one regular glass of wine) daily by doctors aged 48+ years increased longevity by reducing the risk of death by ischaemic heart disease and respiratory disease.[62] Deaths for which alcohol consumption is known to increase risk accounted for only 5% of the total deaths, but this figure increased among those who drank more than two units of alcohol per day.[62] One study found that men who drank moderate amounts of alcohol three or more times a week were up to 35% less likely to have a heart attack than non-drinkers, and men who increased their daily alcohol consumption by one drink over the 12 years of the study had a 22% lower risk of heart attack.[63] Daily intake of one or two units of alcohol (a half or full standard glass of wine) is associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease in men over 40, and in women who have been through menopause.[64] However, getting drunk one or more times per month put women at a significantly increased risk of heart attack, negating alcohol’s potential protective effect.[65] Increased longevity due to alcohol consumption is almost entirely the result of a reduced rate of coronary heart disease.[61] CHEMICAL A substance with a distinct molecular composition that is produced by or used in a chemical process. Chemical substances (also called pure substances) may well be defined as â€Å"any material with a definite chemical composition† in an introductory general chemistry textbook.[2] According to this definition a chemical substance can either be a pure chemical element or a pure chemical compound. But, there are exceptions to this definition; a pure substance can also be defined as a form of matter that has both definite composition and distinct properties.[3] The chemical substance index published by CAS also includes several alloys of uncertain composition.[4] Non-stoichiometric compounds are a special case (in inorganic chemistry) that violates the law of constant composition, and for them, it is sometimes difficult to draw the line between a mixture and a compound, as in the case of palladium hydride. Broader definitions of chemicals or chemical substances can be found, for example: â€Å"the term ‘chemical substance’ means any organic or inorganic substance of a particular molecular identity, including – (i) any combination of such substances occurring in whole or in part as a result of a chemical reaction or occurring in nature†[5] In geology, substances of uniform composition are called minerals, while physical mixtures (aggregates) of several minerals (different substances) are defined as rocks. Many minerals, however, mutually dissolve into solid solutions, such that a single rock is a uniform substance despite being a ‘mixture’. Feldspars are a common example: anorthoclase is an alkali aluminum silicate, where the alkali metal is interchangeably either sodium or potassium. History The concept of a â€Å"chemical substance† became firmly established in the late eighteenth century after work by the chemist Joseph Proust on the composition of some pure chemical compounds such as basic copper carbonate.[6] He deduced that, â€Å"All samples of a compound have the same composition; that is, all samples have the same proportions, by mass, of the elements present in the compound.† This is now known as the law of constant composition.[7] Later with the advancement of methods for chemical synthesis particularly in the realm of organic chemistry; the discovery of many more chemical elements and new techniques in the realm of analytical chemistry used for isolation and purification of elements and compounds from chemicals that led to the establishment of modern chemistry, the concept was defined as is found in most chemistry textbooks. However, there are some controversies regarding this definition mainly because the large number of chemical substances repo rted in chemistry literature need to be indexed. Isomerism caused much consternation to early researchers, since isomers have exact the same composition, but differ in configuration (arrangement) of the atoms. For example, there was much speculation for the chemical identity of benzene, until the correct structure was described by Friedrich August Kekulà ©. Likewise, the idea of stereoisomerism – that atoms have rigid three-dimensional structure and can thus form isomers that differ only in their three-dimensional arrangement – was another crucial step in understanding the concept of distinct chemical substances. For example, tartaric acid has three distinct isomers, a pair of diastereomers with one diastereomer forming two enantiomers. chemical is a form of matter that has constant chemical composition and characteristic properties.[1] It cannot be separated into components by physical separation methods, i.e. without breaking chemical bonds. It can be solid, liquid or gas. Chemical substances are often called ‘pure’ to set them apart from mixtures. A common example of a chemical substance is pure water; it has the same properties and the same ratio of hydrogen to oxygen whether it is isolated from a river or made in a laboratory. Other chemical substances commonly encountered in pure form are diamond (carbon), gold, table salt (sodium chloride) and refined sugar (sucrose). However, simple or seemingly pure substances found in nature can in fact be mixtures of chemical substances. For example, tap water may contain small amounts of dissolved sodium chloride and compounds containing iron, calcium and many other chemical substances. Cigarette Smoking The 1982 United States Surgeon General’s report stated that â€Å"Cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer mortality [death] in the United States.† This statement is as true today as it was then. Tobacco use is responsible for nearly 1 in 5 deaths in the United States. Because cigarette smoking and tobacco use are acquired behaviors − activities that people choose to do – smoking is the most preventable cause of death in our society. The 1982 United States Surgeon General’s report stated that â€Å"Cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer mortality [death] in the United States.† This statement is as true today as it was then. Tobacco use is responsible for nearly 1 in 5 deaths in the United States. Because cigarette smoking and tobacco use are acquired behaviors − activities that people choose to do – smoking is the most preventable cause of death in our society. Who smokes cigarettes? Adults The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that about 43.8 million US adults were cigarette smokers in 2011 (the most recent year for which numbers are available). This is 19% of all adults (21.6% of men, 16.5% of women) − about 1 out of 5 people. There were more cigarette smokers in the younger age groups. In 2011, the CDC reported 22.1% of people 25 to 44 years old were current smokers, compared with 7.9% of those aged 65 or older.High school and middle school students.Nationwide, 18% of high school students were smoking cigarettes in 2011. The most recent survey of middle school students, done in 2011, shows that about 4% were smoking cigarettes. In both high schools and middle schools, white and Hispanic students were more likely to smoke cigarettes than other races/ethnicities. Effects of smoking on how long you live and your quality of life Cigarette smokers die younger than non-smokers. In fact, according to a study done in the late 1990s by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), smoking shortened male smokers’ lives by 13.2 years and female smokers’ lives by 14.5 years. Men and women who smoke are much more likely to die between the ages of 35 and 69 than those who have never smoked. But not all of the health problems related to smoking result in deaths. Smoking affects a smoker’s health in many ways, harming nearly every organ of the body and causing many diseases. The diseases often seen are chronic bronchitis, emphysema, heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. And some studies have found that male smokers may be more likely to be sexually impotent (have erectile dysfunction) than non-smokers. These problems can steal away a person’s quality of life long before death. Smoking-related illness can limit a person’s daily life by making it harder to breathe, get around, work, or play. Smoking can cause or worsen poor blood flow in the arms and legs (peripheral vascular disease or PVD.) Surgery to improve the blood flow often doesn’t work in people who keep smoking. Because of this, many vascular surgeons (surgeons who work on blood vessels) won’t do certain surgeries on patients with PVD unless they stop smoking. The smoke from cigarettes (called secondhand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke) can also have harmful health effects on those exposed to it. Adults and children can have health problems from breathing secondhand smoke. (See our documents called Secondhand Smoke and Women and Smoking.) O.T.C DRUGS Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are drugs you can buy without a prescription. Some OTC medicines relieve aches, pains and itches. Some prevent or cure diseases, like tooth decay and athlete’s foot. Others help manage recurring problems, like migraines. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration decides whether a medicine is safe enough to sell over-the-counter. Taking OTC medicines still has risks. Some interact with other medicines, supplements, foods or drinks. Others cause problems for people with certain medical conditions. If you’re pregnant, talk to your health care provider before taking any medicines. It is important to take medicines correctly, and be careful when giving them to children. More medicine does not necessarily mean better. You should never take OTC medicines longer or in higher doses than the label recommends. If your symptoms don’t go away, it’s a clear signal that it’s time to see your healthcare provider. Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are medicines that may be sold directly to a consumer without a prescription from a healthcare professional, as compared to prescription drugs, which may be sold only to consumers possessing a valid prescription. In many countries, OTC drugs are selected by a regulatory agency to ensure that they are ingredients that are safe and effective when used without a physician’s care. OTC drugs are usually regulated by active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), not final products. By regulating APIs instead of specific drug formulations, governments allow manufacturers freedom to formulate ingredients, or combinations of ingredients, into proprietary mixtures.[1] The term over-the-counter may be somewhat counterintuitive, since, in many countries, these drugs are often located on the shelves of stores like any other packaged product. In contrast, prescription drugs are almost always passed over a counter from the pharmacist to the customer. Some drugs may be legally classified as over-the-counter (i.e., no prescription is required), but may only be dispensed by a pharmacist after an assessment of the patient’s needs and/or the provision of patient education. In many countries, a number of OTC drugs are available in establishments without a pharmacy, such as general stores, supermarkets, gas stations, etc. Regulations detailing the establishments where drugs may be sold, who is authorized to dispense them, and whether a prescription is required vary considerably from country to country. Restricted OTC Substances An ill-defined third category of substances comprises those products having over-the-counter status from the FDA, while being simultaneously subject to other restrictions on sale. While these products are legally classified as OTC drugs, they are typically stored behind the pharmacy counter and are sold only in stores employing a registered pharmacist; such items may be unavailable in convenience or grocery stores that stock other non-restricted OTC medications. For example, many U.S. drugstores have moved products containing pseudoephedrine, an OTC product, into locations where customers must ask a pharmacist for them. A prescription is not required; the change has been made in an effort to reduce methamphetamine production. Since the passage of the Illinois Methamphetamine Precursor Control Act and the subsequent Federal Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005, the purchase of pseudoephedrine in the United States is restricted. Sellers of pseudoephedrine must obtain and record the identity of the purchaser and enforce quantity restrictions. Some states may have more stringent requirements (e.g., Oregon , where a medical prescription is required to purchase any quantity of pseudoephedrine). After initial attempts to control meth use by requiring documentation of sale with government issued ID as well as limits on the quantity an individual could purchase failed to realize meaningful reductions in methamphetamine use and production, Mississippi passed House Bill 512 in the State Senate on February 2, 2010,† to require a prescription from a licensed medical professional to purchase over-the-counter medicines with pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, or any other precursor chemical that can readily and ill icitly be converted into methamphetamine, Methcathinone or any active/scheduled analogs of Phenylethylamines/ amphetamine. Despite these restrictions, products containing the substance are still OTC in most states, since no prescription is required. RELATED LAWS Laws Related to Drugs and Alcohol Here are a few of the laws in regards to alcohol and drugs. Do not think that this list is exhaustive, there are more. These are the commonly encountered laws by IU Police Officers. The following laws are current as of January 2003. The following text should be used as a guide not the definitive answer. Some text from the excerpts was omitted. Search the Indiana Code. Alcohol Related * IC 7.1-5-7-1 False statements of age Sec. 1. (a) It is a Class C infraction for a minor to make a false statement of the minor’s age or to present or offer false or fraudulent evidence of majority or identity to a permittee for the purpose of ordering, purchasing, attempting to purchase, or otherwise procuring or attempting to procure an alcoholic beverage. (b) In addition to the penalty under subsection (a), a minor who: (1) uses a false or altered driver’s license or the driver’s license of another person as evidence of majority under this section; or (2) is convicted of purchasing or procuring an alcoholic beverage with or without using a false or altered driver’s license; shall have the minor’s driver’s license suspended for up to one (1) year in accordance with IC 9-24-18-8 and IC 9-30-4-9. (c) Upon entering a judgment for the infraction under this section, the court shall forward a copy of the judgment to the bureau of motor vehicles for the purpose of complying with subsection (b). * IC 7.1-5-7-2 Furnishing false evidence of identification Sec. 2. It is a Class C misdemeanor for a person to sell, give, or furnish to a minor false or fraudulent evidence of majority or identity with the intent to violate a provision of this title. * IC 7.1-5-7-3 Possession of false identity Sec. 3. It is a Class C infraction for a minor to have in his possession false or fraudulent evidence of majority or identity with the intent to violate a provision of this title. * IC 7.1-5-7-7 Illegal possession Sec. 7. (a) It is a Class C misdemeanor for a minor to knowingly: (1) possess an alcoholic beverage; (2) consume it; or (3) transport it on a public highway when not accompanied by at least one (1) of his parents or guardians. (b) If a minor is found to have violated subsection (a) while operating a motor vehicle, the court may order the minor’s driver’s license suspended for up to one (1) year. However, if the minor is less than eighteen (18) years of age, the court shall order the minor’s driver’s license suspended for at least sixty (60) days. (c) The court shall deliver any order suspending the minor’s driver’s license under this section to the bureau of motor vehicles, which shall suspend the minor’s driver’s license under IC 9-24-18-12 for the period ordered by the court. * IC 7.1-5-7-8 Sales to minors prohibited Sec. 8. (a) It is a Class C misdemeanor for a person to recklessly sell, barter, exchange, provide, or furnish an alcoholic beverage to a minor. (b) This section shall not be construed to impose civil liability upon any educational institution of higher learning, including but not limited to public and private universities and colleges, business schools, vocational schools, and schools for continuing education, or its agents for injury to any person or property sustained in consequence of a violation of this section unless such institution or its agent sells, barters, exchanges, provides, or furnishes an alcoholic beverage to a minor. * IC 7.1-5-7-15 Aiding unlawful possession Sec. 15. A person twenty-one (21) years of age or older who knowingly or intentionally encourages, aids, or induces a minor to unlawfully possess an alcoholic beverage commits a Class C infraction. * IC 7.1-5-1-3 Public intoxication prohibited Sec. 3. It is a Class B misdemeanor for a person to be in a public place or a place of public resort in a state of intoxication caused by the person’s use of alcohol or a controlled substance (as defined in IC 35-48-1-9). * IC 7.1-5-1-6 Intoxication upon common carrier prohibited Sec. 6. It is a Class B misdemeanor for a person to be, or to become, intoxicated as a result of the person’s use of alcohol or a controlled substance (as defined in IC 35-48-1-9) in or upon a vehicle commonly used for the public transportation of passengers, or in or upon a common carrier, or in or about a depot, station, airport, ticket office, waiting room or platform.

Prewriting for the Process Analysis Essay

Whoever said life was going to be easy, the sooner everyone learns that the better off they will be. Life in itself is very stressful, but when you throw in being a wife, mother, student and employee it’s almost too much to bear. In order to deal with everything I must do I have a calendar with everything on it and how much time needs to be spent. Now, where should I begin? I’m a wife and therefore I must make sure my husband has clean work clothes and food for work. We all know how men don’t like to do their own laundry or cook.At least my husband doesn’t like to. Don’t get me started on trying to keep my house clean with him and my animals, it’s like a tornado hits this place just about every other day. Dirty dishes, clothes, cat toys, food, cat litter anything you can just about think of. I also feed and clean up after the animals; I have five cats inside, two chameleons, and a cat outside. I must wake up every morning at 7 AM to feed them . I’m their mother now so they all depend on me. If all that is not enough I must also work for a living.I clean a local movie theater in my town. I’ll tell you right now, if everything I deal with at home isn’t stressful enough when I get to work and walk through those doors the stress slaps me in the face. I just don’t understand how people can be so nasty. The restrooms are another story, they are so gross. I have never realized how dirty and inconsiderate people really are and that makes my life stressful when I have to pick up after all them. With all that being said I how could I possibly find any time to do my school work but I always seem to do it.It’s very hard to do daily things then try and set down to do homework, especially the section I’m doing now with writing. I get so stressed out because I get very aggravated when I try and write because I’m not good at it. It seems to take me forever to get it done and that makes me just want to throw the pen and paper down and quit. But I seem to figure out a way to get it done and not go insane in the process. I’m not totally sure if there is a solid way to cope with stress but there are many ways to try and manage it.When life seems to get too stressful or even out of control I will go outside and walk around while taking in fresh air to try and clear my head. I have picked up a nasty little habit a long time ago, I know it’s not good and I need to quit but it’s hard and it seems to really help in stressful times and of course this is none other than smoking. I guess it’s really just a matter of what kind of stress and how bad it is. Sometimes I turn everything off and turn on the radio and just lie on the bed and listen to the music.Sometimes if it’s just bad enough I will end up crying and yes it sounds like a child but is seems to unleash the stress and wash it away as if its water in a bath tub when the plug gets taken out. Regardless of the situation I pull myself together before it gets out of hand. So many responsibilities every day is a bit tough, but there is always a way to do everything. The way I get everything done is just having a plan for each specific thing . Whoever said life was going to be easy, the sooner everyone learns that the better off they will be.First thing, I must take care of my family/home life. There are a lot of things that must be done when it comes to my home responsibilities. I must make sure my house is nice and clean, we all know it’s not very pleasant living in a dirty home. With that I have to wash dishes, clean the bathrooms and put things away. Make sure everything is put up in the right places, make all beds up and vacuum all floors then sweep and mop. I got to gather all dirty clothes and get them done then there is the outside to deal with.I always make sure the outside of my house is nice and neat, I don’t like to have my house looking like a bunch of wild animals live here. I keep my yard mowed; everything put up and kept in order. We burn wood so I make sure there is wood cut and split and stacked up out at the tree and I make sure to wood stack is neat and stacked well and covered up away from the weather. Next I must tend to my children that are the kind of non-human kind. That’s a whole task in itself; I believe that it’s probably harder than dealing with human children. They make things very stressful; they meow over and over like it’s going out of style.I got to feed them and when that time comes you better make sure you watch out cause they all come running through the house all at once because they know what time it is and if you’re in their path they will knock you over like a pack of hungry wolves. I got to make sure their bathroom is clean and make sure the cats outside are feed and taken care of to. Then I have to turn my attention to my chameleons, I have to make sure they have water because they don’t drink water out of a dish so I have to do it out of a spray bottle or they will die.I have to make sure they got bugs in their cages so they can eat. I have a lot of things to do on a daily basis, it get tough and very stressful so I have to make sure I plan everything down to the last thing because I would never have the time to do everything. I have a small window of time after I take care of my animals to do some school work so I try and buckle down and do as much as possible. Sometimes the lessons are hard but I got to try and clear all the stuff out of my head from everything else I have had to do and just try my best.When work time comes around I get ready and head out the door. I have to clean the movie theater. There are seven theaters, two bathrooms, two hallways and one lobby; the place is pretty big and I do all this by myself. When all this is done I go back home and weather I’m tired or not I sit down and do more school work. When times are stressful I stop and pull myself together and calm down. When we get stressed out and just want to quit just to let the stress away, but weather you know it or not calming yourself down and working through it to get everything done is very much worth it.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Heritage Countee Cullen Essay

â€Å"What is Africa to me?† (Cullen, Line 10). Heritage is an African American poem by Countee Cullen that was written during the Harlem Renaissance. Cullen was born in a primarily white upbringing; therefore he had no experience in African culture or heritage and was confused. His African heritage concerns him; yet, because he must adapt to the orders of a mostly white culture that is not concerned with his cultural origins. This poem is primarily the internal conflict of Countee Cullen on the dilemma of a modern African American aware of his rich Native African heritage but stranded in a sterile conformist American culture that offer him only stereotypical insight into his heritage and no true unbiased perception of his own culture. In Heritage Cullen uses literary devices such as imagery, symbolism and irony to show that he is conflicted on his view of his African heritage. Cullen uses imagery as a literary device to show his confusion of African heritage. Thus Cullen begi ns with a question concerning the nature of an abstract and rather remote Africa. â€Å"What is Africa to me, copper sun or scarlet sea, jungle star or jungle track, strong bronzed men, or regal black, women from whose loins I sprang, when the birds of Eden sang† (Cullen, Lines 1-6). This quote shows how Cullen lists some concrete images which serve as specific emphases for his conflicting views of his native land. This shows an African Americans point of view of Africa. For example in the phrase â€Å"jungle star or jungle track†; the first part â€Å"jungle star† has a positive connotation and the second part â€Å"jungle track† has a negative connotation. In a way the positive connotations represent African perspective and the negative connotations represent African perspective. â€Å"Sung by wild barbaric birds, Goading massive jungle herds, Juggernauts of flesh that pass, Trampling tall defiant grass, Where young forest lovers lie, Plighting troth beneath the sky† (Cullen, Lines 13-17). In contrast to the first quotes the second imagery quote shows a purely American perspective of Africa. This quote shows the constant stereotypical view of Africa that Cullen was fed for his whole childhood.  This quote compared to the first show s that Africa was a wild barbaric place. These two perspectives really confused him. Not only does Cullen use imagery as a literary device to show his confusion on his heritage but he also uses symbolism as a literary device that show this too. Cullen furthermore uses a symbolism of the drum to show that even if he tries he cannot block out his heritage. â€Å"So I lie, who always hear, though I cram against my ear, both my thumbs, and keep them there, great drums throbbing through the air† (Cullen, Lines 19-22). This quote shows that he is trying to block out his heritage. Despite this effort he still hears the drum which symbolizes tribal beats from Africa. This shows that American culture has forced Cullen to deny the primitive African rhythms that pulses through his body. â€Å"Who find no peace, night or day, no slight release, from the unremittent beat, made by cruel padded feet, walking through my body’s street† (Cullen, Lines 64-68). In this quote reassures the point that he feels this tribal beat no matter what he does or what his condition he feels the beat within his blood and bones that he cannot get rid of. Not only does the author use symbolism as a literary device to illustrate his dilemma on his heritage but he also uses irony as another tool to show it. Finally Cullen uses irony to show that he still has not come to term about what his true heritage really is. â€Å"I belong to Jesus Christ†¦ although I speak with my mouth thus, in my heart, do I play a double part, ever at thy glowing altar, must my heart grow sick and falter, wishing he I served were black† (Cullen, Lines 96-101). This quote show irony because he states that he belongs to Christ, but later on he states that truly in his heart he wishes his god was black like him. This show that even if he thinks that he has decided which side to choose he still has not truly done so. â€Å"Nor yet has my heart or head, in the least way realized, they and I are civilized† (Cullen, Lines 126-128). This quote shows that he still has not decided yet; but he still ironically he still says â€Å"they and I are civilized†. This is ironic because the line before â€Å"Nor yet has my heart or head, in the least way realized† contradicts this statement. In this African American poem to show that he is conflicted on his view of his African heritage, Cullen uses literary devices such as imagery,  symbolism and irony. The circumstances he grew up with did not show him the perspective of his people; he was constantly give only the American point of view of Africa. This gave him a great internal dilemma of his own heritage because in his blood he had pride. At the end of this poem he is still conflicted about what his stance truly is. The lesson of this poem is that despite where you live and what biased information you are given you can never forget your roots. Work Cited Cullen, Countee. â€Å"Heritage.† The Poetry Foundation : Find Poems and Poets. Discover Poetry. The Poetry Foundation, n.d. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Project Exploring the 1960's Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project Exploring the 1960's - Research Paper Example All the events from the past have some certain lessons that can be utilized to attain courage, responsibility, respect, etc. The history of the world is full with such events. Such events are considered important in the history of mankind due to certain aspects of the events. 1960s is the age of the beginning of the industrial revolution, decade of social events and political revolution (Teachers, 2012). In the same period, different forms of music and art also developed. Some companies merged and some bigger companies split and made their own names in the different markets. Mass production of passenger vehicles for non military purposes started in 1960s. Thus, 1960 has the major influence on humans and world’s history. Yuri Gagarin was the first person to reach the space. He belonged to Russian Federation (Teachers, 2012). The event of the launch of the man into the space is one of the most dominating incidents in the history of the world. It depicts if a person wants somethi ng, he can achieve through hard work and utilization of intelligence. The mentioned event influenced me to achieve my goals and gave me courage to understand and develop my ideas and adopt the ways associating with the event of Yuri Gagarin reaching the space (Teachers, 2012). Social work is my passion and I love to work for the kids and families, particularly the families that lack the economic as well as parental support. The particular event of the Yuri Gagarin going into the space for the very first time is the event I have always remembered when performing any task or diverting my thoughts towards any task. The thought of the events gives me courage as the event depicts the courage of a man and the intelligence of the many people and several researches that made it possible to launch the flight with fist man into the space (Teachers, 2012). The major lessons, we gain from the event, are unity, courage, self-confidence, hard-work, and willingness to achieve the goals. I have thr ee adorable kids and during my life span, I learnt from that event how to handle the situation and how to work effectively and efficiently. If the event of ‘flight of first man into the space’ did not happened in the past, I think my life would not been such that. All my decisions and thought depended on the corresponding event. I think any other event has not such capability to be the lesson taking event of my life. My decisions and my goals are represented by my thoughts and all my thoughts are depicted through the corresponding event. The most important aspect of taking account of the corresponding event is the way to lead the life. I think that the world to me at that time would be different in many aspects if the event of first flight into space did not happen in the past. My goals would have been different from the current, I will not prefer to be the social worker and work for the kids, or most unimaginative thought I have is that, I would not be able to recogniz e myself and my personal skills. Most of the events have either positive or negative impacts on the human life. The event I discussed above has only positive impact on my life. I think that if the above mentioned event would not happened in the past, I would have developed my ideas depending on any other event and the event may have negative impact on me

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Summative assessment - Part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Summative assessment - Part 2 - Essay Example Thus, it is socially responsible and supports the entire market in order to ensure that the best products are available in the market. The company uses the most recent technology to run all its operations; every section or rather department of Anisa International has gone digital, starting from the marketing, management, communication and distribution of its products (Yahoo Finance, 2004). To start with, Anisa International, Inc. has gone digital in marketing of its products. There are a number of social websites that have allowed platforms for advertisements and other marketing procedures for various companies. Sites such as Facebook, twitter, YouTube and Google have made it easy and cheaper for business organizations across the globe to effective market their products. For instance, Anisa International has a Facebook page whereby all the news about the new products, changes in the existing products, prices of particular products and general company operations are posted. This style of marketing is somehow effective as it is easily accessible by any individual irrespective of age, gender, race or social class. With the current level of technology, there are hundreds of millions internet traffic daily; people access or rather visit various sites with diverse aims. Thus, for fashion lovers, Facebook pages for famous companies and other fashion websites are their destin ations. Information in Anisa’s Facebook pages is accessed or rather read by thousands of individuals daily. Therefore, the company easily spreads the news about its products via this medium. In addition, management of firm’s operations in todays’ world has gone digital. Many organizations have transformed from paper work or rather manual way of transacting and recording information to the digital way of handling all the operations of the companies. For instance, Anisa International, Inc. has all the information about the company’s operations stored and handled

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Explain how human skin color reflects adaptations to varying amounts Essay

Explain how human skin color reflects adaptations to varying amounts of sunlight - Essay Example Rather, it is something that should be appreciated because it only shows how the human body naturally adjusts to the environment. It is believed that Africans and other races with similar skin color have darker coloration because of more melanin that the body produces as an effect of the warmth of the sun. Melanin is the pigment that determines skin color. When a person stays under the sun, more melanin is produced and therefore creates a darker skin color. That is why, when a white person tans or stays under the sun, there would be a darkening of the skin. The same happens in darker-skinned people but the effect is not as obvious as the one on white people. On the contrary, dark-skinned people who stay longer in colder places tend to have fairer skin than other people of the same race who live in warmer places. Since they are not often exposed to the sun, there is no need for more melanin so they tend to have lighter skin color

Monday, August 26, 2019

Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Globalisation - Essay Example This country has a multi-ethical population of 39 million as per 2010 of which 82.6% are Christians, 11.2% Muslims and other religions take the remaining 6%. It is currently in a transition stage trying to implement a new constitution that was adapted in 2010 a process in which it is planning to move from its current administrative subdivisions of 140 districts and 7 provinces to a form that will have 47 counties each with an elected governor. The GDP of this country as by 2010 was estimated at $ 32 billion with an annual growth rate of 5.4%. Its main parts of the economy are tourism, agriculture, and light industries. In addition, it has six full-pledged public universities and approximately thirteen private ones (Bureau of public affairs 2012). Globalization has played a great role in shaping the African economic and political landscape (Falola & House-soremekun 2011). Kenya being one of them, it has experienced drastic changes on various aspects of its economy. Agriculture is the engine of the Kenyan economy (Robbins & Ferris 2003). Although Kenya has almost all its northern and northeastern parts as semi-arid, it continues to enjoy vast agricultural productions from its southern, western, and central part that are agriculturally productive. In the recent years, we have had what we call globalization of markets, which has enabled this country to export its excess agricultural products. It has also enabled it to get more farm inputs and equipment to enhance its agricultural productivity. Globalization, through globalized market has been a very big boost to the economy of this country. Another impact of globalization on Kenya’s agricultural sector is attraction of foreign investors. These investors, who have mainly invested in horticultural products planted on large tracts of land for export, have caused an increase in Kenya’s exports to other countries resulting to Kenya being ranked among the leading exporters of vegetables and other horticultu ral products in the European Union market (Mithofer & Waibel 2011). Another important sector of this country economy is the tourism sector. This country has a vast range of natural resources that include landscape, people, climate, and wildlife (Bowden 2007). These natural resources act as tourists’ attraction. Globalization has enabled this country to enjoy an increasing number of tourists’ visitation. According to Jafari (2003), Kenya is the most popular tourists’ destination in Africa, receiving about 6% of the total tourists who visit the African continent. This sector has played a very vital role in this the economic development of this country. Another way that globalization has contributed in improvement of this sector is through attraction of foreign investors. These investors build resorts and other facility on tourist attraction points, which provide accommodation and other services to tourists. Actually, I think is the sector of the Kenyan economy tha t has experienced the impact of globalization. Globalization has also influenced greatly the Kenyans ‘lifestyle. With market diversity, which results from globalization, Kenya has been able to import some of the products that it does not produce locally. According to (USTR 2005) Kenya is currently the 80th largest export market for U.S. goods. These exports have greatly influenced the people’s lifestyle form their eating habits to the way they communicate and socialize with one another. It is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Caterpillars Resilience for Strategic Change Management Process Essay

Caterpillars Resilience for Strategic Change Management Process - Essay Example 1) These above mentioned lines are not only mere scholarly jargon or illusion used by some well known academic scholars but the lines are truly reflecting the core essence of change management. In such context, Zajac, Kraatz & Bresser (2000) pointed out that the question is not about whether an organization is able to change or not rather the focus should be whether the mentioned organization is able to successfully implement the change management mechanism in competitive environment or not. Palaniswamy and Sushil (2003) argued that going for change for organizations is always directed by external factors because no organizations would want to change the existing system equilibrium without any bankable reason. Well, the argument has point because historical analysis of data shows that without the presence of certain reasons or the objective of achieving certain benefits, none of the organizations have invested its financial and non-financial resources to achieve change management (Za jac, Kraatz & Bresser, 2000). ... Caterpillar Inc- Business Dimension Caterpillar Inc or Cat is an American corporation which is global leader in manufacturing, construction and mining equipment, diesel-electric locomotive, industrial gas turbines and diesel and natural gas engines. The company was established in 1925 and at present, headquarter of the company is located in Peoria, Illinois, United States (Caterpillar, 2013a). The engineering giant offers wide range of products ranging from construction and mining equipment (the yellow equipment of the company has become symbolic icon for both industrial and retail consumers), customized industrial gas turbines which can lift heavy loads, natural gas engines which can work in low carbon emission state, remanufacturing services, end to end logistic services and even financial services (Gillett, Fink & Bevington, 2010). As of 2012, Caterpillar Inc has earned revenue of more than US $65 billion from its global business operation while the company has reported asset wort h around US$89 billion (Caterpillar, 2013a). As of 2008, the company has established presence in every continent while total employee base of the company exceeds 0.1 million (Gillett, Fink & Bevington, 2010). Now, the fact is that Caterpillar Inc never targeted retail customers or sell items to end users because from the starting days, the engineering targeted construction and mining companies or the dealers who sell construction equipment to both industrial and retail customers. In such business ideology, Caterpillar Inc has established global dealer distribution network crossing 185 partnerships across countries in Europe, South America, Africa, North

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Infectious Diseases within Inmate Populations Essay

Infectious Diseases within Inmate Populations - Essay Example The research has been carried out this way to give more of an interpretation on the realism of the prison environment and what is currently proving adverse and hard to control. The conclusion summarizes the main points and brings emphases to the strategies that have been implemented in the last few years to keep down the rate of infectious diseases among the inmate population. In just the past five years the amount of people being incarcerated in America has increased dramatically, topping the statistics of other countries who incarcerate individuals on a yearly basis. Because of this continuing problem disease has become eradicate in the prison environment and there are times when the attempt to control it is overwhelming to prison and public officials (Needels et al 2005). However, in years dating back to the mid 1900's, the spread of disease in prison was even more intensive than it is today. The only difference was the occurrence of disease was kept concealed and many people were exiting the prison system with infectious diseases without being aware of them. ... Therefore in order to appropriately detour disease in the prison and jail systems in the future there needs to be extreme precautions and remedies put into affect in today's time before this issue expels over into the community as an epidemic of disease related illnesses. Of course, one of the most difficult infectious diseases within the prisons in the United States is the wide spread illness of HIV. In fact it has been a difficult disease to try and combat for many years but this is due to the fact of the activities within the prison systems that can lead to the acquisition of HIV in the inmate population. For instance, many prisoners engage in activities such as homosexual acts, unsterilized needle usage for tattooing and drug use, unsanitary habits, etc; within the prison environment which leaves them open to contracting a major disease such as this one and therefore the contraction of it within an inmate population is extremely high and very difficult to keep at a minimal level. However peer education has proven to be an essential way to provide prisoners with literary materials that help them to understand how to protect themselves from contracting such serious illnesses like Hepatitis and HIV (UNAIDS 1996). Nevertheless, there are still many p rison and jail systems that are highly lacking in intervention methods to control infectious diseases. This poses many concerns for the officials who work inside the prison for not only are the inmates health issues a concern but the health of those trying to maintain law and order within the prison environment, and those who visit inmates from the neighboring communities becomes a major problematic area for health officials trying to keep disease to a minimum. This is why it was previously stated that

Friday, August 23, 2019

Artist statement-lost wax casting Personal Statement

Artist -lost wax casting - Personal Statement Example For a top quality casting, one must use the finest materials in the market (Fred 11). The contrast of the poodle curving determination can be guaranteed by the carver’s skills (Richards 16). The poodles contrast should be appealing to everyone, and so it matters a lot. Careful and skilled curving will enhance the outcomes (Richards 18). The body posture in lost wax casting is supremely crucial because it also what determines of the poodles final looks (Richards 22). This simply means would you like the poodle to be in a standing, or lying flat position (Richards 22). The most challenging part in casting will occur in balancing, especially if the casting of the poodle is to occur in an upright position (Slobodkin 4). The reason behind this is that the feet are the one to hold all the body weight of the poodle reasoning that the feet are smaller compared to the body (Slobodkin 4). The feet base should be flat so as to enhance an upright position of a casted poodle (Slobodkin